Colorado River Source

Where does the water in the Colorado River come from?

The short answer:

The Colorado River starts in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming and ends in the Gulf of California, more than 1,400 miles away. Along the way, it provides water to 40 million people and 5 million acres of farmland. For regulation purposes the basin is divided into the upper and lower basin. The upper basin covers parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. While the lower basin extends through Arizona, California and Nevada. Water is used extensively in the lower basin; however, 90% of the Colorado River originates as snow in the Rocky Mountains. Snow accumulates in the mountains during the winter and supplies water to the river as it melts in the spring.  Thus local rain storms in Arizona and California have little effect on the total water supply in the river.

Media downloads:

Colorado River Source Animation (zip) Video (mp4) with no voiceover or captions plus English script 38.9MB 27s

Design team:

Student developers:
Danielle Tadych, Taylor Foerster

Wilzave Quiles Guzman

Project Manager: Sara Kobilka
Science Advisor: Laura Condon

Graphic Designer:
Megan Roxbury

¿De dónde proviene el agua del Río Colorado?

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(haga clic en la imagen para ampliar)
Un infograma con un mapa que muestra la fuente o el inicio del agua en la Cuenca del Río Colorado. La cuenca superior proporciona el 90% del agua y ⅔ del agua del río comienza como nieve en las Montañas Rocosas (The Rocky Mountains).

Referencias y recursos adicionales:

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